Ray was born and raised in Brunei Darussalam, a beautiful Country located in Southeast Asia. He moved to Canada at the age of 9, from there he finished Elementary, Middle, Senior high, and Simon Fraser University in beautiful British Columbia.
Ray first received the calling from God to be a pastor (hopefully an International Worker in the near future) on a Short-term mission trip to Asia in 2013. Ray believed that God’s calling for him was to serve the Chinese people; therefore in 2015 he packed up his bags to move to Hong Kong for seminary to immerse himself in the Chinese culture on top of school.
Ray studied at the Alliance Bible Seminary, located on the small island of Cheung Chau. It was during his studies there that he met his girlfriend, and now wife, Andia. Now, Ray is serving as a pastor at Westwood, to prepare for his international work ahead.
謝耀恩牧師生於東南亞一個小國 — 汶萊。九歲隨家人移民到加拿大,在高貴林完成中小學, 並畢業於卑斯省西門菲沙大學。他在2013年中國短宣期間接受神的呼召,立志服侍華人。為了更理解和接觸中華文化,一直受西方教育的他手執單程機票 ,到香港「建道神學院」接受神學裝備。讀神學期間,他認識了現在的妻子嘉惠。如今謝耀恩牧師已完成三年道學碩士課程。在高貴林宣道會牧職的期間,希望服侍加拿大青少年,並預備他與妻子將來的宣教路程。